
With every third marriage in Australia ending in divorce, the secrets to a happy marriage continue to elude many couples. But not for much longer with University of Queensland researchers on the case.

22 December 2011

With obesity at epidemic levels, The University of Queensland’s Children’s Nutrition Research Centre is opening its Body Composition Laboratory in the New Year to help Brisbane residents keep fit, not fat, in 2012.

22 December 2011
Members of "Team ¹ú²ú̽»¨" pitch in to assist the Smith Family Christmas Appeal

University of Queensland staff and students have helped spread a little Christmas cheer among Brisbane’s disadvantaged kids.

22 December 2011
Hybrid black tip shark containing both Common and Australian black tip DNA.

A group of leading marine scientists has discovered that sharks on Australia's east coast display a mysterious tendency to interbreed, challenging several accepted scientific theories regarding shark behaviour.

22 December 2011
The first female Professor of Chemistry in Queensland, Mary Garson

The first female Professor of Chemistry in Queensland, Mary Garson, has been awarded the Royal Australian Chemical Institute's prestigious Leighton Memorial Medal in recognition of her valuable contributions and leadership to the chemistry community...

21 December 2011
Associate Professor Steven Walker is targeting the north-east’s most destructive cropping weeds.

One of Australia’s most experienced weed specialists has been appointed to lead a weed-busting team of top Australian scientists, targeting the six most damaging cropping weeds in north-eastern Australia.

20 December 2011

Jenny Max, a University of Queensland Masters of Communication (Communication for Social Change) student, has received a Prime Minister's Pacific-Australia (PMPA) Award in recognition of her leadership potential and academic achievements.

20 December 2011
Eduroam is already the popular choice with ¹ú²ú̽»¨ wireless users

On Friday January 20, ¹ú²ú̽»¨connect wireless at The University of Queensland will be decommissioned in favour of eduroam. The move provides improved security and enables worldwide internet access.

20 December 2011

The University of Queensland has welcomed a Federal Government announcement of $67 million as part of a scheme to assist more students from disadvantaged backgrounds attend university.

20 December 2011
"The Galaxy And The Quasar". Source: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Collection

¹ú²ú̽»¨ astrophysicist Dr Tamara Davis, together with researchers from Denmark, has earned 4th spot on Physics World magazine’s top 10 scientific breakthroughs in 2011, for developing a groundbreaking method to measure cosmic distances in the universe...

19 December 2011
James Bennett received high distinctions for all of his undergraduate subjects

Keeping his options open and giving himself ample time to decide on his major finally paid off when James Bennett was awarded his University of Queensland Bachelor of Science degree this month with nothing less than a high distinction in all his...

19 December 2011
Professor Lorraine Mazerolle (left) and Dr Sarah Bennett

In a world-first trial, criminology researchers at The University of Queensland have tested the theory of procedural justice in policing and found that respectful dialogue with citizens during routine encounters makes a big difference to the way...

19 December 2011

University of Queensland scientists have discovered that an ancient relative of rice contains genes that could potentially save food crops from the devastating effects of global warming.

19 December 2011

The University of Queensland's (¹ú²ú̽»¨) Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) has performed extremely well in the latest round of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Project grants.

16 December 2011
The first group of RWH Hawken Scholar graduates

The Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) at The University of Queensland (¹ú²ú̽»¨) bid farewell to its first group of RWH Hawken Scholar students when they graduated last Thursday.

16 December 2011
Professor Robert Parton, from the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, is leading a $7.1 million research project to study the mechanisms behind healthy cells transforming into cancerous cells.

Cutting-edge research that aims to stop the transformation of healthy cells into cancerous cells is one of nine prestigious grants and scholarships awarded to health and medical researchers at The University of Queensland (¹ú²ú̽»¨).

15 December 2011
One of the artefacts Dr Toni Risson unearthed as part of her research into Australian lollies

Cultural historian Toni Risson experienced the sweet rewards of hard work when she received her ¹ú²ú̽»¨ doctorate last week.

15 December 2011
Inaugural Project Reference Group meeting (left to right), Dr Tim Lucas (DEEDI), Ms Maureen O'Connor (Qld Health), Dr Adrian Cherney (Chief Investigator), Ms Sharon Bailey (Qld Premier's Dept), Prof Paul Boreham (Chief Investigator), Prof Brian Head (Chief Investigator) and Dr John Dungan (DET).

Former senior public servant and University of Queensland researcher Professor Brian Head is setting out to change a widely held perception that while evidence-based research is necessary in medicine and science, the leap to making social policy...

15 December 2011
Project chief investigators (left to right) Professor Boreham, A/Professor Geoff Dow, A/Professor Warren Lafffan and Professor Mark Western

¹ú²ú̽»¨'s Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) released findings of a major, three-year longitudinal study of 4000 Queenslanders on their social wellbeing by region, gender and age at a symposium last week.

15 December 2011

The graduation of more than 150 nurses and midwives from The University of Queensland's School of Nursing and Midwifery this month will continue to boost ranks amongst the Queensland health system.

15 December 2011