
Headshot of Professor Leanne Hides

Increasing access to cost effective, evidence-based treatment for alcohol and drug use is the focus of a University of Queensland-led Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.

24 September 2021
cane toad

Australia may soon have the jump on cane toads after a Gold Coast not-for-profit was granted an exclusive licence to market a University of Queensland-designed bait for the invasive pests.

22 September 2021
Man and woman on bikes flanking two small children on bikes

Empowering families with skills, resources and knowledge to improve their lifestyle is the focus of a University of Queensland study into reducing childhood obesity.

17 September 2021
Cloudy skies along Cairns esplanade

Queensland’s COVID damaged tourism industry is facing another hurdle as operators struggle to find workers.

16 September 2021
Revegetation underway at a red mud site near Gladstone

Technology that could rehabilitate mine waste back to useful soil is entering full-scale trials at two Queensland sites.

16 September 2021
Molten lava spilling over volcanic rocks

Lava samples have revealed a new truth about the geological make-up of the Earth’s crust and could have implications for volcanic eruption early warning systems, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

16 September 2021
Overhead image of trees reaching shoreline of sandy beach.

Increasing reforestation efforts in coastal regions could substantially reduce the amount of sediment run-off reaching coral reefs and improve their resilience, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

16 September 2021

An antiviral surface coating technology sprayed on face masks could provide an extra layer of protection against COVID-19 and the flu.

15 September 2021
Dr Kirsty Short in the laboratory

A project developing a test and treatments that would be effective against multiple viral threats could become a cornerstone of the world’s response to future pandemics.

14 September 2021
Woman's outstretched hand to camera, obscuring her face

An expert panel of University of Queensland researchers is examining the issue of sexual consent and will make recommendations to governments and schools about how to better teach young Australians about sexual violence.

14 September 2021
Image: Shutterstock

The COVID-19 pandemic has sharpened our focus on food – whether it be due to concerns relating to supply chain integrity, the viability of rural communities, or a rediscovery of home-cooking during lock-down.

13 September 2021

Queenslanders could have skin cancer diagnosed earlier using world-first 3D scanning technology with the launch of the Australian Cancer Research Foundation Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis.

13 September 2021
Label with a red box with a cross in it, indicating a positive COVID test result

Stigma and discrimination linked to a positive COVID-19 diagnosis are the subjects of research being conducted by a multidisciplinary University of Queensland team.

9 September 2021
Ailinginae Atoll - Ailinginae Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Photo credit: Greg Asner

All of the world’s shallow coral reefs have been digitally mapped, thanks to a three-year project combining two million satellite images, enormous amounts of field data and University of Queensland-developed mapping techniques.

9 September 2021
Koala with baby sitting on her back, with both being up a gum tree

A deadly koala virus that can cause immune depletion and cancer, known as koala retrovirus, is being transferred to joeys from their mothers, according to University of Queensland scientists.

7 September 2021