
A flock of sheep grazing in a paddock

A chemical-free method of controlling flystrike in sheep is a step closer, according to University of Queensland research.

15 July 2024

University of Queensland researchers have been awarded more than $7.5 million through 4 Medical Research Future Fund schemes focused on improving health outcomes.

12 July 2024

¹ú²ú̽»¨ researchers have been awarded almost $1 million through the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) to combat the threat of antimicrobial resistance to human health.

12 July 2024
A young woman in graduation garb smiles next to an older woman in ¹ú²ú̽»¨'s Great Court.

Caitlyn Donohoe lives with a serious physical disability, but that didn't stop her from moving from rural QLD to study at ¹ú²ú̽»¨ - and graduate as Valedictorian of the School of Law.

12 July 2024
A microscopic view of bacteria cells

Researchers from The University of Queensland have identified how a common bacterium is able to manipulate the human immune system during respiratory infections and cause persistent illness.

12 July 2024
A new coloured ESA/Hubble image of Omega Centauri showing location of black hole. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, M. Häberle (MPIA)

A massive black hole – about 20,000 times the size of the sun – has been confirmed as the closest to our solar system by an international study involving ¹ú²ú̽»¨ researchers.

11 July 2024
a group of six people stand in a corridor with their arms around each other

Starting tertiary study can be daunting but three sets of Indigenous twins are chasing their dreams at ¹ú²ú̽»¨, inspired by programs they joined while at high school.

11 July 2024
An AI generated image of a graduation cap against a spacey background overlaid with computer 3D points.

¹ú²ú̽»¨ researchers are playing a key role in the education sector’s response to the new learning environment of ChatGPT and other generative AI language programs.

11 July 2024
Two people stand next to a person walking on a treadmill

A longitudinal study by ¹ú²ú̽»¨ researchers has found high-intensity interval exercise improves brain function in older adults for up to 5 years.

10 July 2024
a view of a colonaded walkway next to green lawn

The first Australian Indigenous woman to complete a university degree has been posthumously honoured with an Honorary Doctorate from The University of Queensland.

10 July 2024
A close up image of a slide showing tiny rectangles, held up by the gloved hand of a researcher who is out of focus.

University of Queensland researchers have designed a device that uses a simple blood test to detect early stage lung cancer.

9 July 2024
Two hands clasped over a walking stick

University of Queensland researchers have unlocked crucial molecular secrets of ageing in cells, potentially paving the way to improve quality of life as people age.

8 July 2024
An aerial photo of a pod of whales in dark blue water, with part of a rainbow visible.

¹ú²ú̽»¨-led research has found migrating humpback whales off Australia’s east coast became less stressed over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

5 July 2024

 A new training Centre led by The University of Queensland is partnering with industry to tackle the global crisis of antimicrobial-resistant infections, which affect humans, animals and the environment.

5 July 2024

Ten University of Queensland research teams will share more than $6.5 million from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Projects scheme.

4 July 2024
A pile of cracked macamadmias

Future-proofing the burgeoning macadamia industry is the focus of a long-term breeding program led by researchers at The University of Queensland.

2 July 2024
An orange xray-like image of an embryo on a black background

Researchers at ¹ú²ú̽»¨ have for the first time captured images and video in real time of early embryonic development to understand more about congenital birth defects.

1 July 2024
Two people on a dock collecting water samples with a boat and brown river behind them.

A unique method of monitoring river health has uncovered an army of tiny organisms fighting to protect the Brisbane River.

28 June 2024
a person peers through a round device at the back of the shoulder of another person with grey hair

A ¹ú²ú̽»¨-led project will test a combination of technologies to improve the early detection of potentially fatal skin cancers in patients in regional and rural Australia.

24 June 2024

¹ú²ú̽»¨ top of Nature rankings The University of Queensland is the highest-ranked Australian university in the prestigious 2024 Nature Index of Research Leaders.

21 June 2024