
The Austral Launch Vehicle during its first successful use. Photo by J.R.Llobet.

Researchers at The University of Queensland have moved one step closer to sending small satellites into space via a reusable launch system.

24 December 2015
Sir David Attenborough, as he appears while introducing the interactive website

University of Queensland scientific research on the Great Barrier Reef is in the international spotlight with this week’s launch of an interactive website to complement a BBC television series to be released on 30 December.

23 December 2015

Summer holidays always throw up the same dilemma – so many books and not enough summer holiday hours to read them all.

23 December 2015
Lead author Dr R Salguero-Gómez collects demographic data in the field. Photo credit: R. Salguero-Gómez

Efforts to control invasive plant species and to help plants withstand extreme events could be boosted by a new international study led by researchers from The University of Queensland.

22 December 2015

University of Queensland Press will release a 10th anniversary edition of award-winning author Tara June Winch’s debut novel Swallow the Air on January 4.

21 December 2015

On the 12th day of Christmas, ¹ú²ú̽»¨ gave to me...

21 December 2015
Professor Nancy Pachana with her father, Joseph T Pachana

The festive season can provoke positive and negative feelings in people of all ages, but can pose particular challenges for some older people, a University of Queensland expert has warned.

21 December 2015

The University of Queensland has been the most successful university in the inaugural Westpac Future Leaders Scholarships.

18 December 2015

More than 100,000 people spread across more than 190 countries have joined a free University of Queensland Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to help prepare them for English language testing.

18 December 2015
Marikki Watego.

Marikki Watego has been a star on the touch football field while studying at The University of Queensland, and she’s now looking forward to shining while working in a city law firm.

18 December 2015

The director of a University of Queensland institute has been appointed as Interim President of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, replacing outgoing President Dr Alan Finkel.

18 December 2015
Familiarity breeds empathy was the top rating story on ¹ú²ú̽»¨ News

News from The University of Queensland’s Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences dominates the list of the most popular articles published on the ¹ú²ú̽»¨ News site this year.

18 December 2015

Unless you’ve been living in exile on Dagobah, you’ve probably noticed that Star Wars: Episode VII screened around Australia overnight.

17 December 2015
Max, with his parents Professor Peter Koopman and Associate Professor Carol Wicking.

Engineering graduate Max Koopman will soon leave the sandstone walls of The University of Queensland for the technological hub of Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California.

16 December 2015

International postgraduate student Fulya Çalık Toker has had quite a year. The Master of Business (Advanced) student will graduate from The University of Queensland this week as a valedictorian, after recently starting full-time work at a Brisbane...

16 December 2015
Courtesy: Australia Zoo

Australia’s saltwater crocodiles appear to be in hot water, with a University of Queensland study linking climate warming to shorter dives, putting the crocs’ survival at risk.

16 December 2015
Robbie Wilson’s research will enhance understanding of how native species cope with changing natural environments

The Australian Research Council has awarded five new Future Fellows at The University of Queensland, from a total of only 50 awarded across the nation.

16 December 2015
Sean Nicolson.

Sean Nicolson has graduated from The University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Arts and a glowing reference from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).

16 December 2015
An Acropora millepora colony releasing gametes during broadcast mass spawning

University of Queensland research has pinpointed artificial light as a threat to coral reproduction, in a discovery that will help guide reef and marine ecosystem protection plans.

15 December 2015

Breakthrough Alzheimer’s research from The University of Queensland has been named among the world’s most talked-about research of 2015.

15 December 2015