
University of Queensland School of Tourism graduate, Simon Yang Xiao will complete his graduate program with the Brisbane Marriott Hotel
University of Queensland School of Tourism graduate, Simon Yang Xiao will complete his graduate program with the Brisbane Marriott Hotel
12 January 2012

Recent reforms to work visa arrangements for international students may make it easier for students to find employment in Australia after graduation.

School of Tourism student Simon Yang Xiao is taking the initiative to start his career now in the graduate program with the Brisbane Marriott Hotel.

The reforms following the Michael Knight Review of the student visa system include a new post-study work visa for university students commencing study from 2012.

This will enable international students to apply to work after graduation in Australia for two years after the completion of a Bachelor degree or Masters Coursework, three years for Masters Research, and four years for PhD students.

Mr Xiao is one of the first international students admitted to the Marriott Brisbane Graduate Management Program and hopes it will "fast-track" his career.

"Since the Marriott program will offer me on the job training in every department of the hotel, it will help me to learn the most important skills in a short period of time," he said.

Mr Xiao will do rotations in all areas of hotel operations as part of the 18 month program.

"The Brisbane Marriott hotel is known as one of the best hotels in Brisbane or even in Australia, so it is better to learn from the best. Upon graduation I had been looking for jobs in three countries- China, Singapore and Australia and received offers from all three countries. Since the Brisbane Marriott offered me a position in the highly competitive Graduate Management Program, I chose to stay in Australia," he said.

After he has completed the program, Mr Xiao's five-year plan is to work as a supervisor or assistant manager. He then hopes to gain experience in conference and event management.

"I love travelling, experiencing different cultures, and working with people from different backgrounds, that is the reason I studied hotel management and want to work within the tourism industry. Hopefully, I aim to be a general manager of a hotel in the not too distant future."

For further information regarding the reforms please visit: http://www.immi.gov.au/students/_pdf/2011-post-study-work.pdf

Media: Claire Shuter (07) 3346 8716 or c.shuter@uq.edu.au