
The strategy is to prevent pain through a different mechanism to the available opioid drugs
The strategy is to prevent pain through a different mechanism to the available opioid drugs
31 January 2018

Research to develop non-addictive analgesics that could potentially be used as alternatives to addictive opioid drugs such as codeine will be undertaken by The University of Queensland (¹ú²ú̽»¨), under an agreement with Canadian biomedical company announced today.

, ¹ú²ú̽»¨’s commercialisation company, entered into a research and option agreement with PMI for ¹ú²ú̽»¨ to conduct research expanding the use of its peptide disulphide linker technology in a bid to develop non-addictive analgesics.

UniQuest CEO Dr Dean Moss said ¹ú²ú̽»¨’s strategy was to prevent pain through a different mechanism to the available opioid receptor drugs such as morphine, codeine and fentanyl.

“The hope is that this would avoid the associated effects of euphoria, tolerance and dependence that lead to overdose,” he said.

“An alternative analgesic could help address global concerns over the addictive nature – and subsequent deaths by overdose – of existing opioid drugs.”

The Federal Government will ban over-the-counter sales of painkillers containing codeine from 1 February, bringing Australia into line with the US, Japan and much of Europe.

Dr Moss said ¹ú²ú̽»¨ researcher Associate Professor Peter Cabot would lead the two-year research program in collaboration with Dr Harendra (Harry) Parekh, both from ¹ú²ú̽»¨’s .

“It will involve the synthesis and testing of peptides for their analgesic activity in parallel with their pharmacological and pharmacokinetic evaluation in a chronic and acute setting.”

Dr Moss said the agreement was the fourth UniQuest had signed with PMI over the past 12 months.

Last April UniQuest signed agreements with PMI to and develop a soluble gel to ; and in July a was the subject of a third agreement.

Media: Associate Professor Peter Cabot, +61 0402 144 030; Danielle Koopman, UniQuest, d.koopman@uniquest.com.au, 0409 767 199.